Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Weddings, weddings, weddings!

I know that people get married all year round, but photographers seems to be busiest in the summer season. (Sometimes I feel like running a newspaper ad that says, "It's OK to call photographers for weddings during the winter months!" Help me get the word out, will you?)

I love weddings. I always cry. I usually manage to get clear images, though... :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Senior Sessions

High school senior portrait season is in full tilt now. It's so strange - one minute our children are babes in our arms, and just a second later they are getting ready to graduate and move on to new hopes and dreams. We spend hours and days and years loving them and raising them just for this moment. But when it comes, so do the tears. How did the time pass so quickly?

I guess that's why we think it's so important to commemorate this moment of completion and perfection. Here are two beautiful young women who visited my studio in July.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A visit from family!

My daughter, Ariel visited from Texas with my two grandbabies, Patrick & Isabelle. They are 2 1/2 and 18 months old. They are fun and happy and busy, busy, BUSY babies! We had a wonderful time - and believe it or not, Ariel and I had time to redecorate the studio! I will be having an open house in September so you can see the transformation.

It was fun to work on the studio, but it was much more fun to hold and spoil my grandbabies. They were here for 10 days, and I miss them already.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Back from Great Britain

Your wayfaring writer/photographer is back! I'm still a little jet-lagged, but I spent a full day in the studio today (Saturday), and feel almost back in the swing of things... The image at the top of this newsletter is Stirling Castle, an important historical site in Scotland.

We started our journey in London. After landing in Heathrow Airport, we dropped our bags at our hostel, and started wandering.

As we crossed the Thames, I commented that I couldn't believe I was really standing on a bridge overlooking this historic river. Gabe asked, "Are you wondering what took you so long to come here?"

I replied, "No, I know what took so long. I was busy sending you and your siblings on trips across the country and across the world. In fact, I'm not sure I can afford this trip even yet."

Gabe responded, "What good is solvency if you never see the Thames?"

Gazing at this incredible city, it seemed a sage question. Have you travelled where your heart desires?

We spent most of our time in Scotland. The highlands are wild and beautiful - the colors so vivid, the fragrance on the air so unique, the feel of the place so otherworldly that I understand why immigrants from Scotland get teary when they talk about their home country.

We spent a week on holy Iona Island. St. Columba landed there in 563 AD, bringing Christianity to the British Islands. It is suspected to have been a sacred island long before his arrival, too. It is said to be a 'thin place'. The abbey where we stayed dates back to the fifteenth century. St. Martin's cross out front was erected in the 9th century. The intricate carvings are still visible, over a thousand years later.
I walked the street of the dead and contemplated the many feet who trod the overgrown road through the centuries. What were their passions and deep desires for their lives? Did they fulfill them in their lifetimes? Will I fulfill mine? What are my passions, anyway?

This rumination (and many more like it) led me to contemplate returning to college for a Master's program in Creative Writing. I can attend part-time while continuing this wonderful creative journey that is Cherie Renae Studios. Perhaps its time for this dream, or perhaps there are others. Only time, and continued meditation, will tell.

What are your dreams, your passions? My hope for my clients - my friends - is that you will pursue your path single-mindedly, with joy and with passion. It is my hope for us all.

Cherie Renae, www.cherierenae.com, 503.508.5157