The blogsite of Cherie Renae. Come back often to hear about her latest photo sessions, client news, published writings, and the general miscellany that clutters her mind...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Playing in Seattle
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The bluest skies you've ever seen - in Seattle!

They were married at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. Danielle’s mom made her wedding dress, a beautiful fitted dress with a royal blue train & hand embroidered accents.
I first met Danielle at a dinner in her mother's home. Mom has the gift of hospitality, and her daughter shares her ability to make people feel welcome. Even though I'd never met either woman before, I felt an instant connection.
I also met Caleb at one of Mom's celebrated dinners. (Two or three times a year, she invites a bevy of friends & strangers into her home. Authentic Indian cuisine & Seder celebrations are amongst the annual offerings.) I was immediately struck by his kindness, which was coupled with a zeal and determination - a rare and powerful combination!
Danielle works in the Episcopal church (at St. Mark's cathedral, in fact) and plans to pursue vocation as a priest. That's 4-5 MORE years of college, of course.
Danielle & Caleb are a natural and perfect fit for each other, and I wish them joy & a deeply spiritual walk through life.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fantasy Series

"You can do it, Cherie, I just KNOW you can!" was Loriann's response.

I drug my feet and drug my feet. It really ISN'T my area of expertise, you know. But I finally sat down today, and with the help of some stock images (thank you to the photographers who make these backgrounds available) I created my first fantasy series.
It was fun! My client was right. I COULD do it. Sometimes we just need to be pushed out of our comfort zone. But don't tell Loriann - who knows what she'll dream up next!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Fabulous Fourth!
But on a lighter note, here's what one photographer does on a holiday:
Friday, July 3, 2009
Video Insights

I was surprised by the strong response I received. Not about the fact that I stay current with technology (although I pat myself on the back for that. I may be over 50, but I’m as groovy as ever. Oops. Did I just say “groovy”?)
The observations that really caught my attention were from high school classmates whom I haven’t seen for 30 years. They commented on how beautiful I was and that, seeing my personality on the video, they could understand why I was such a popular photographer.
Wow. You see, I was not a ‘popular’ teenager. Not by a long shot. I think it was because my self-esteem, in every category except academic achievement, registered in the negative scale.
It made me think. What changed between geeky 17 and today? What caused me to turn from an insecure teenager into a confident adult? I know that I struggled through my 20’s and beyond. When did it change?
Two things come to mind. One is life’s challenges. When tribulation comes our way, we can either grow, or we can shrink. Through the grace of God, I have grown with the sorrows (as well as the joys!)
The second is photography. My passion for what I do, the response I get from my clients and my friends, the joy of CREATING, brings a deep sense of centeredness. When I am photographing, I know who I am. I feel a sense of where I belong in the universe. Photography both grounds me and allows me to fly. And I think that’s what my old classmates (and current friends) saw in my short movie.
Funny how it takes an amateurish video to bring that all to light, huh?
PS: Here's the video:
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Even When it isn't Like I Dreamed...

In a photographer's magazine, I saw an article with some BREATHTAKING newborn portrait art. Babies suspended in fabric, cradled in Daddy's hands, etc. All sleeping peacefully, of course.