PS: The camera was set on Manual - 1/15 sec. at f6.3. You can't get images like this with an Automatic or Programme mode setting. Yes, it's a shameless plug for my next Camera 101 class, to be held on Saturday, Mar. 20 from 1 - 3:30 pm. Or you can join MyPhotoMentor, and for $9.95 a month, learn how to do it ALL! :)
I'm local and I'm interested in learning more about photography. You mentioned a class on the 20th, can you give me more information about it? By the way, your pictures are terrific.
Here's a link to a blog article that gives you more information:
For the 3/20 class, we'll talk about getting the camera off of the AUTO setting - mostly an ISO discussion, as well as ongoing discussions about light. Then we'll be out in the field again!
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