So, I’m the dreaded photographer. Truly. About a month ago, I went to a styling salon in Portland that specializes in dreadlocks, and emerged with a VERY new look. It will take six months or more for the locks to mature; they take nurturing and patience. But the first time I glimpsed myself in the salon mirror, I thought, “I look like ME!”
I did research into dreadlocks. Today, we associate dreadlocks with Rastafarians, but they were first worn in ancient Egypt, and also by the earliest Christians, including James, the first Bishop of Jerusalem, who wore them to his ankles. Locks can be a fashion preference or an expression of political or spiritual beliefs. The stylist who created my new look did not have locks, though she has worn them. She said, “I won’t wear them again until I’ve earned them.” She felt they were an expression of accomplishment and wisdom.
I like that sentiment. My locks are an outward expression of an inward journey - a symbol of spiritual & emotional maturity. They are a reminder, every time I look in the mirror, that I am ever and always in the process of becoming who I've always been.
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